Want to know more about that new land use notice that just went up on your block? Seeing construction start and wondering what the planned result is?  Seattle in Progress describes itself as “a free desktop and mobile web app for seeing what’s being built in Seattle. Think of it as a modern alternative to the ‘notice of proposed land use’ boards currently posted at construction sites. Find any proposed or under construction building in Seattle, see high quality 3D architectural renderings and learn how you can shape development in your neighborhood.”  The site compiles public information to be easily accessed and read without having to know the exact address or other specific identifiers; instead, just click on a marked location on this map and you will see lots of information about the project including, often, drawings of the proposed building taken from documents submitted to the city.  Here’s an example.  You can choose in the Settings tab to see locations of projects that are not required to go through Design Review too.

The site is run by Ethan Phelps-Goodman, who describes himself as “a software developer, data scientist and civic organizer.”