“FNC supports livability, diversity, inclusion and affordable housing for all…FNC offers the following specific suggestions to add density to Fremont while enhancing livability, diversity, inclusion, and even affordability.”

On March 27, 2017, after considerable study and discussion with Fremont neighbors and among the FNC board, the Fremont Neighborhood Council voted to send to city officials FNC’s recommendations about the proposed Seattle Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA). It reads, in part, “The Fremont Neighborhood Council (FNC) has spent the past year considering the implications of the HALA-driven MHA zoning proposals while actively engaging, and listening to, Fremont residents who will be most directly impacted by them. We offer the following comments on both systemic and Fremont-specific concerns as the City considers these substantial changes to the way we live together in this urban setting.”
The letter includes as an attachment a set of site-specific recommendations written by residents of East Fremont/ West Wallingford, and explains: “Because the Wallingford Urban Village overlaps the Fremont neighborhood east of Aurora and west of Stone Way N., we have heard many concerns voiced by residents of East Fremont/West Wallingford (many of whom are FNC members). We attach the document prepared by them after several community meetings and intense research on the MHA [Mandatory Housing Affordability] proposals and their potential impacts, and ask that their comments be given serious consideration as the views of Fremont residents most dramatically impacted by the City’s current proposals.”
The letter, available at HALA-MHA-FNCletterfinal31March2017 and web 4-4-17, was sent March 31, 2017, prefaced by this note: “Please find attached a letter from the Fremont Neighborhood Council concerning the City’s proposed zoning changes in Fremont. We look forward to further dialogue with you in order to develop improvements to the City’s proposal to address our concerns while meeting the objectives of City’s HALA to improve access to affordable housing in and the livability of Fremont. This letter represents the work and input of many people over an extended period of time, and was adopted by the board and attending members at our regularly scheduled meeting of March 27. Thank you for your attention.” Signed by Toby Thaler, Fremont Neighborhood Council, Vice President and Chair, Land Use and Transportation Committee https://fremontneighborhoodcouncil.org/