Dear FNC Members,
Happy Summer!
Election season is upon us with local primaries coming up in August. We encourage you to participate in our democracy by mailing in your ballot on, or before, August 1st.
The Fremont Neighborhood Council will be hosting a post-primary candidate forum on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH Monday September 18th at 7:00pm at the Doric Lodge on N 36th Street. We will have candidates for City Council Districts 4 and 6, Port of Seattle Position 5, and King County Council District 4. Please save the date! This will be an in-person event!
The FNC Board would like to ask questions of the candidates that are relevant for our neighborhood. Please send your question(s) to We may not be able to use every question submitted due to time limitations; however, we will do our best to select from the questions provided to ensure your voice is heard and the discussion reflects topics that are important to Fremont residents.
Thank you in advance for your participation and making the candidate forum a productive conversation about the future of our neighborhood, our city, our Port of Seattle and our county!
Looking forward to seeing you on September 18th.
Enjoy this summer,
Fremont Neighborhood Council Board