FNC urges residents to participate in Seattle Night Out on August 6 (tomorrow night). Close your street for free, invite your neighbors for a party, have a potluck and some music, and get to know each other better. Register your party or find one in your neighborhood here: http://www.seattle.gov/spd/Nightout/ And be sure to mail your ballot in time to get it postmarked Tuesday.
The Fremont Chamber of Commerce has just approved a grant to FNC to support more artwork on Fremont’s utility boxes. The first four boxes will be painted this month. Working with Urban ArtWorks and artist Kyler Martz, the Fremont Neighborhood Council is sponsoring art on four of Fremont’s utility boxes. FNC welcomes more co-sponsors to put artwork on more of these big, often-tagged boxes. You can see the first four proposed locations & intersections and their designs at https://fremontneighborhoodcouncil.org/fnc-funds-new-art-for-fremont-utility-boxes/ Fremocentrist has more about FNC and this project here: http://www.fremocentrist.com/commentary/?p=3963
PLANS FOR A CVS PHARMACY IN THE CENTER OF WALLINGFORD SPARK PROTEST—Change.org has a petition up that concerns our neighbors in Wallingford, and all of us who care about neighborhood character. “CVS Pharmacy: Do not build in Wallingford (Seattle, WA)” Learn more about why this project is bad for our neighborhood at http://www.wallyhood.org/2013/08/design-review-for-tullysmoon-temple-lot/” This fourth pharmacy on N 45th would replace the former Tully’s coffee shop, the Moon Temple and the former Wallingford community office. See more details and, if you choose, add your protest here http://chn.ge/195Pj6p The petition asks CVS to consider an alternative location and to refrain from tearing down a historic building.