Neighborhood news and support for issues for Fremont residents


Fremont Neighborhood Council Meeting – February 25, 2013

Board members present: Matt Gasparich, Stephanie Pure, Elfreide Noble, Toby Thaler, Linda Clifton, Shawn Mulanix, Norma Jones, Judie Clarridge.

Matt opened the meeting and invited everyone to introduce themselves and share announcements.

• Solarize Seattle: Bill Thorness gave an update on the Solarize Seattle Northwest campaign. There has been lots of interest. Next workshop: 10 – 11:30 am on April 6th at Solid Ground, 1501 N. 45th.
• Kirby Lindsay is beginning Fireside Chats at History House to talk about Fremont’s history. The first will be at 3 pm, Sat, March 30th, focused on the timeline of Fremont history displayed at History House.
• Kirby also announced that Irish Ceilis are held from 4 to 8 pm on the first Sunday of every month at the Doric Lodge celebrating the Irish culture in music, dance, and language; along with a potluck dinner.

Minutes: Norma moved to approve the minutes as presented. Stephanie seconded. Motion was passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Shawn reported that $5,000 has been sent to the B. F. Day Playground Improvement project. There are 10 to 15 membership renewals via Paypal. The monthly report is as follows:

Committed funds:

Hazel Heights: $256.56

46th Street Mural: $566.39

Money Market: $56,012.92

Paypal: $197.99

Checking: $ 3,372.75

Savings $5.00
Total: $59,390.67

Rebecca Deehr, Office of the Mayor: Ballard to Downtown Transit Study and the Ship Canal Crossing

Rebecca said the Mayor is asking the council to move the Ballard-to-Downtown study higher on the list of priorities because of that corridor’s high usage. There will be an open house from 5 – 7 pm on March 12th at Ballard High School where they will describe the existing transit conditions and ask for input from the audience on what should be included in the one-year study. There will be 2 more meetings to gather input. At this point, there are funds for the study but not for making any transit improvements.

The City’s focus is on Rapid Streetcars which could have their own lane and transit signal priority. They will be looking at ridership and the engineering costs of various options. Toby suggested that a separate lane along Westlake for the streetcar and one for a bike trail would be very popular. There was discussion about the need for improved east/west transit from Ballard to the University District. The response was that the overall plan is to improve the corridor to Ballard, from there east to the University District, and from there south on Eastlake to downtown.

Further discussion about terms: a traditional local streetcar travels in the same lane as cars and stops every 3 to 4 blocks whereas Rapid Streetcar stops would be about ½ mile apart. Having a dedicated lane for streetcars can cause a reduction in onstreet parking.

Old Business:

• TRANSFER STATION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT: Tim Croll, Seattle Public Utilities, brought a proposal to the board to amend SPU’s 2011 agreement with the FNC and a group of neighbors living close to the transfer station. It called for the administration building to be located on the south side of (and extend east beyond) the tipping building. The amendment places the administration building along the east wall of the tipping building, over the parking area. The building will extend no further north than the southern extent of the baffling roof covering the vehicle entrance/exit on the eastern side of the tipping building and no further east than 32 feet from the eastern edge of the tipping building. The Wallingford Community Council supports the amendment.

MOTION: Toby moved that the board authorize him to sign the amendment to change the placement of the administration building as shown in Proposed Refinement – Site Plan 2.2. Linda seconded. The motion passed.

MEMBERSHIP: One email has been sent to the mailing list notifying them that it is time to renew their membership and encouraging them to pay online. A second one needs to be sent. Then, a mailing will be sent to those who have not renewed their membership online. Stephanie volunteered to provide both the mailing and return-size envelopes. Shawn will update the membership list to show those who have already renewed. Matt will print the brochures and have the mailing work party at his office.

• PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AT 43RD AND FREMONT AVENUE: Matt will attend the Fremont Summit to talk about pedestrian safety at this location and get input. Both FAWN and upper Fremont businesses will be there. The next step will be to bring the issue to the Lake Union District Council on March 4th.

• ARTWORK ON TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOXES: Matt spoke with Urban Artworks. They need to work on at least 3 boxes (at $1,000 per box) in order for the project to be feasible for them. He asked if the board was interested in paying for one. Jessica has said that the Chamber may be interested in funding one box. Matt is willing to contact other businesses to find a sponsor for the third one.

MOTION: Matt moved that he be authorized to email Urban Artworks with a pledge of up to $1,000 from the FNC, upon other donors being identified for the remaining two boxes. Seconded and passed.

• FREMONT SIPHON REPLACEMENT PROJECT: King County will have an open house from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on March 26th at the Fremont Library to present design options and gather feedback.

New Business:

• NEW BOARD MEMBER: FNC member Kevin McClain has attended the last three board meetings and is interested in joining the board.

MOTION: Matt moved that Kevin McClain be accepted as a member of the FNC board. Toby seconded. The motion passed.

• MOTION: Linda moved that the FNC be shown as a supporter of the Solarize Seattle Northwest campaign. Seconded and passed.

The FNC will be listed as a supporter on the campaign website and in future material. The board will continue to publicize their workshops on the FNC website and offered to include the campaign’s information sheet and card in the mailing to FNC members. The campaign wraps up this spring.

GENERAL MEETING IN APRIL: After discussion, there was consensus to invite Council President Sally Clark to be the keynote speaker at the Annual General Meeting. Among the topics will be the status of the City’s implementation of neighborhood plans.

Parks: Matt spoke with Ken Saunderson, Fremont Chamber President, about the status of the Ernst Park Addition. Possible architect contacts could help with design. Will be further discussion at the Fremont Summit.

Land Use: A large, 150 unit apartment project at 3801 Stone Way has been proposed. An Early Design Guidance meeting is set for Monday, March 4th. Toby will email information to the board.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, March 25, 2013.

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