Fremont Neighborhood Council June Meeting AGENDA Monday, June 27, 2022: 7-8:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual — see link below
7:00 Opening and Introductions
7:03 Land Acknowledgment
7:05 Griff Lambert, Director of Strategy, Data, & Performance with Jewish Family Services presents and answers questions on refugee resettlement, with a focus on Afghanistan, Ukraine, and general resettlement.
7:30 Business Meeting
- Discuss City Council Redistricting and the FNC position on Fremont being entirely in District 6, District 4, or split between the two districts
- FNC and Board membership
- Speakers and presentations for upcoming meetings: Department of Neighborhoods, other Ideas
8:00 Approve Minutes & Treasurer’s Report
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Meeting ID: 833 1413 7660
Passcode: 2541109
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Advance Notice: Next Meeting, July 25th
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please renew your membership if you have not already done so.
Join/Renew your membership with the Fremont Neighborhood Council You can now renew your membership online at It’s quick and easy, please take a moment and show your support for your neighborhood!
Fremont Neighborhood Council |
3518 Fremont Ave. N, #111, Seattle, WA 98103
Questions? Email