As Seattle faces population shifts and increases, as there are increased demands for housing, for moving around the city on foot, on bicycle, on transit, and for the amenities that can continue to make this a great city, city government has been seeking feedback on planning, and neighborhoods are organizing to suggested improvements. Here are two of the latest such efforts:

1. One Seattle Plan Community Meetings Report
The City’s One Seattle Plan reports: “From November 2022 – January 2023, we held five in-person community meetings (plus one online meeting) to discuss our Comprehensive Plan update and to gather feedback to help shape the plan. We thank all those who attended the meetings and participated in the discussion groups.Our report shares what we heard during these engagement events.
- Read the full report
- Read the full comment dataset
- Read the notes taken during the discussion groups
“Like all comments and feedback posted and received on the One Seattle Plan Engagement Hub, this input will be used to shape the Draft Comprehensive Plan Update, to be released later this Spring. …
“For More Information: Visit our One Seattle Plan page, and visit our Engagement Hub to submit feedback.”
2. The Aurora Reimagined Coalition (ARC)
FNC sends a representative to this Coalition. ARC writes: “In 2022, the Seattle Department of Transportation, with state and local funding, will launch a $2 million study to address Aurora’s safety and guide its future. Now is our time to influence the scope and vision of the city’s planning work. From May to September 2021, the Aurora Reimagined Coalition (that’s us!) will lead a series of walking audits, visioning workshops, and other activities to shape the future of Aurora.”
Now ARC is putting together proposals to address safety and walkability on Aurora Ave N., which has been a dangerous barrier to Fremont’s neighborhood unity for many years.
Here’s their specific idea for the Fremont stretch of Aurora and a short excerpt of the basis of their idea:
“Reconnecting Fremont can be accomplished by creating four at-grade crossings on Aurora Ave and two new transit stops for the E-Line.
“Fremont, Divided: Jersey barriers and speeding traffic along Aurora Ave divide Upper Fremont in half, separating communities and presenting numerous challenges for people who live, work, and play in Fremont:
- There are few safe places to cross Aurora Ave
- There is a complete lack of accessible, ADA-compliant crossings of Aurora Ave
- There are no “all ages and abilities” bike crossings
- Crossings of on- and off-ramps from Aurora Ave are poorly marked and not signalized
- There is limited access to transit on Aurora Ave
- Only a single stop on the E-Line serves all of Fremont and it is difficult to reach the stop from many parts of the neighborhood
- The roadway is unsafe, noisy, & dirty
- Even though vehicle speed limits have been reduced elsewhere along Aurora Ave, they remain 40 mph through Fremont–with speeding commonly in excess of 80 mph!
- The design of the roadway does little to mitigate the noise, water, and air pollution generated by the traffic along Aurora Ave
- The Aurora Avenue corridor lacks a safe bike route connecting Fremont & Green Lake that supports cyclists of all ages and abilities
“Reconnecting Fremont would remove literal barriers, making it possible for people of all ages and abilities to move freely and safely about the neighborhood while enjoying all that Fremont has to offer:
- A family could visit the Woodland Park Zoo by bus from a transit stop only a few minutes walk from the zoo entrance
- A parent with a stroller could walk from Fremont Ave to Stone Way in 10 minutes
- A wheelchair user could visit shops on both sides of Aurora Ave in Fremont–something that is impossible today.
- A student could bike from BF Day Elementary School and Playground to the Wallingford Playfield in under 10 minutes on a safe all ages & abilities bike route
- A worker could take the E-Line to their job in downtown Fremont and only have to walk 5 minutes to catch the bus…”
Continue to see the specifics of their proposals here.