Your Fremont Neighborhood Council (FNC) has been speaking up and advocating for Fremont residents since 1980. We work to improve quality of life for all Fremont residents with a focus on land use, public safety, parks, housing, transportation, and other key community issues. We organize community meetings, attend public hearings, confer with City and County officials, support neighbors with special projects and more. Join us to help make Fremont, the “Center of the Universe,” an even better place.
In 2017 the Fremont Neighborhood Council:
- Monitored and provided input about the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) and the Mandatory Housing
- Affordability (MHA) measures proposed by the city. Joined coalition to appeal Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) MHA-R upzones. Please visit SeattleFairGrowth.org for information.
- Worked with the city and developers on land use projects in Fremont to reduce impacts and improve design.
- Sponsored public presentations on public space improvements, Seattle’s tree canopy, package theft, and government activities impacting Fremont.
- Supported community efforts to monitor and maintain the Helen Tapp Memorial Bench, and continued to support the Utility Box Arts.
- Acted as the fiscal sponsor for the Fremont Historical Society grant to improve their website, Utility Box Artwork, and the Fremont Neighborhood Clean-Up.
- Provided support for B.F. Day Playground improvements.

Committees and Projects: Sign up to volunteer on one of these committees or propose a project of your own.
- Land Use & Transportation – Monitor important construction, zoning and environmental impacts. Promote and monitor transportation and traffic issues
- Parks and Open Spaces – Encourage stewardship and development of open space and public art
- Communications – Maintain FNC communications
- Lake Union District Council – Represent FNC as District Councils reorganize following the city decision to cut ties with District Councils
The Fremont Neighborhood Council meets the fourth Monday of each month at the Doric Lodge 92, 619 N. 36th Street at 7:00 pm. In 2018 we will meet on: January 22, February 26, March 26, April 23, May 21 (One week early due to Memorial Day), June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 26, December (No meeting)

Join or renew online: Visit: https://fremontneighborhoodcouncil.org/get-involved/join-us/.
Or by mail: Send check payable to FNC to: Fremont Neighborhood Council, 3518 Fremont Ave. N., #111, Seattle, WA 98103
Voting membership is open to residents of Fremont between 8th Ave NW & Stone Way N, and from the Ship Canal to N 50th St. Others are welcome to join us as member-observers. Memberships are counted on an annual basis, with dues paid every year in January.
ANNUAL DUES (through January 2019):
$15/Individual $10/Senior-Low Income
$25/Household (two votes for members)
Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Zip:_____________ Phone ___________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________
Email (additional household member, if applicable) _____________________________________
Mailing List Promise: The FNC will not sell or distribute your name, address, phone, or email information. This information will be used only by the FNC to inform you about information and news of interest to Fremont. Questions? Send us an email from www.fremontneighborhoodcouncil.org or just come to a meeting.
Follow us on our website www.fremontneighborhoodcouncil.org and on Facebook