In recognition of National Preservation Month in May, the Fremont Historical Society will have a display at the Fremont Public Library, continuing through the end of May, with an opening reception on Saturday, May 3rd from noon to 1:30 pm. The display will feature "then and now" photographs of older residences and commercial building in Fremont that have been
restored, well maintained, and serve a useful purpose today. Information will be included on the history and interesting features ofthe structures and the work that has been done. Several photos of the Fremont Bridge and the construction of the Ship Canal will be included in anticipation of the centennial of both in 2017.
The Library is a partner in this effort and will display an enlargement of the Fremont section of the 1905 Baist's Real Estate Atlas of Surveys. The map gives a glimpse of Fremont over 100 years ago. It shows a different shoreline forLake Union than what we see today and railroads that came from Seattle throughInterbay to Fremont. There were still many tracts of undeveloped land in 1905 and some streets with names that pre-date the current names.
Is the Neighborhood Council aware that the 100 year birthday of the Fremont Bridge occurs on June 15,2017? I believe the MOHAI is planning an exhibit about the 100 year anniversary of the Montlake Cut that will include some information about the bridge, but it seems like Fremont should have its own celebration about this local icon.
Thanks for letting us know!
Thank you, Toby. I’ve also been in touch with the Fremont Historical Society, which is planning something for July 4, when the bridge had its grand opening in 1917. And I’ve enjoyed the exhibit at the library. I appreciate your getting back to me.