Changes, and maybe not enough changes, may be coming to the very center of Fremont, at N 34th and Fremont Avenue N. Here’s part of what Seattle Bike Blog reports on the issue:
SDOT is in the early design phase for bus stop improvements on Fremont Ave between N 34th and 36th Streets directly north of the Fremont Bridge. This block is at the epicenter of the neighborhood’s street grid and serves as one of the trickiest bike route gaps in the Interurban regional bike network stretching as far north as Everett.
More and more people are biking, walking and taking buses on routes that all converge at this point, but the street design is outdated and has failed to keep up with the people it serves. Sidewalks are overcrowded, especially during peak hours when people are waiting for the bus. Dozens of people walking and biking have been injured in the past ten years in just this one block.
SDOT is planning some bus stop improvements for the block to address the sidewalk crowding issue. The project could also create safer crosswalks and protected bike lanes, but only if city leaders decide to make the safety and comfort of people biking and walking a priority.
As the project is today in this early stage, biking and walking improvements will be left out entirely. People need to get organized to push for bold action, or the city is going to throw away this great opportunity.
Much more, including photos, maps, diagrams and a time line on Seattle Bike Blog here.