August 22, 2011
New meeting location: Doric Lodge
Board Members Present: Matt Gasparich, Norma Jones, Toby Thaler, Elfreda Noble, Shawn Mulanix, Linda Clifton, Stephanie Pure, Erik Pihl
1) Welcome and Introductions by President Matt Gasparich
2) Presentation by Lloyd Hara, King County Assesor
(Four handouts were provided)
King County asseses property valuations annually
Property owners have sixty days to appeal valuation; you cannot appeal tax itself
Voters influence the rate for property taxes via Levys, etc.
City of Seatlle tax rate is under $10 per $1,000 in value
The Assesor has a Tax Advisor that is a free service to explain about valuation and property taxes
King County Taxes support:
53% for K-12 education
2% to Port of Seattle
18% for King County Government
27% to City and other supported districts
King County assessed values (based on sales) differ from Zillow and Red Fin in that the County assessment looks backwards and Zillow/Red Fin look forward towards future sales.
If residents have questions about their property values, Comissioner Hara encourages residents to call his office, they will be willing to hear and consider residents concerns.
3) Review and approval of July minutes. Minutes were taken by Stephanie and distributed via e-mail to the Board. Norma sent comments.
4) Treasurers Report: Toby Thaler moved that Shawn Mulanix be reinstated as Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Linda Clifton. Motion approved by unanimous vote of the Board.
Total balance in the account= $65,944.15 of which $1,869 is committed to 46th Street Mural Project
5) Report from Norma Jones on Bridege Way Mural Cleanup. Norma has met with Arts Council. There have been bi-weekly work parties beginning on August 13th from 10am to 2pm. The next work project will be on August 24th. Additional work parties are scheduled for September 10 and 24. In addition there will be a work party on September 16th. Norma will purchase the paint approved by the FNC (up to $250). The FNC needs to promote these work parties to it’s mailing list. The FNC is a co-sponsor of the project with the Fremont Arts Council.
6) FNC Logo. Three options have been developed. President Matt invited discussion. There was a preponderance of interest in designs one and two. A majority provided voted for proposed logo number two (the Art Nouveau design). Dave Scudder will refine the design based on feedback provided and bring the design back to the Neighborhood Council.
7) Boost Grant update. The FNC has been awarded a grant to develop a plan for an improved We have received contract that needs approval. Work will begin by August 26th and must be complete by November 25th. The amount of the award is $1,540: $1,000 to be provided by the City, $340 in cash to be provided by the FNC, and $200 of volunteer labor. Linda clifton moved that the FNC Board authorize Linda Clifton and Matt Gasparich to execute the contract. Motion was seconded by Toby. Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Linda presented a proposed RFP for a consultant to do the work. It will be posted on our website and mailed out to the FNC mailing list. It will also be distributed to the Neighborhood’s “Geek Meet Up” and to the FNC’s media list. Shawn Mulanix moved to adopt RFP as presented. Seconded by Norma Jones. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
A Committee was appointed to review responses to RFP. The Committee will be comprised of Shawn Mulanix, Matt Gasparich and Linda Shozen.
8) A motion was made to send a letter to History House thanking them for their many years of hosting the Fremont Neighborhood Council forward it’s monthly meeting and informing them that we will not be meeting there any longer. Linda Clifton moved that the letter should be sent by President Matt Gasparich. Seconded by Norma Jones. Motion carried. Matt will deliver letter to Paul Norstrand with the keys. Matt was authorized to draft letter without further review.
9) Linda Clifton presented a draft response to Catholic Community Services in response to their proposed development on Aurora. The letter incorporated input and questions that have been voiced by the community. Erik Pihl moved that Matt Gasparich be authorized to send the letter as drafted. Motion was seconded by Toby Thaler. Motion carried.
10) President Matt Gasparich thanked Charles Hadran for the Doric Lodge’s hospitality as a new meeting venue for the Fremont Neighborhood Council.
Regular meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. An Executive Session followed.