Neighborhood news and support for issues for Fremont residents

Meeting Minutes – September 25, 2006

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: George Heideman, April Thanos, Alan Yonker, Jenny Eickenwald, Dic Selin, Toby Thaler, Sheridan Hammond, Erik Pihl and Chip Nevins

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: SDOT is removing the crosswalk at Phinney & 36th. The bike trail is being extended under the Ballard Bridge

MINUTES approved for 7/24/06


CD                          $30,961.07

MM                        $24,193.18

Checking               $1,017.07

Savings                  $237.89

Subtotal                 $56,409.21

Committed           $10,000 (CHHIP)



LUDC:  There was a presentation on the new zoning for non-single family residential codes and commercial codes.  FNC has already had the same presentation. There was also a presentation about skate parks. Seattle City Light spoke about a possible decrease in rates (2.2% for residential – about $14/yr).  There is also to be a ballot measure about 15% of utilities being renewable. 

NEWSLETTER: We will all send articles to Alan by Oct 8th. 

PUBLIC SAFETY: Linda Pierce, Asst Seattle Police Chief is interested in nightlife issues. There have been 10 FAWN area burglaries recently.  Two drug houses have been closed in Fremont.  It is important to call 911 to report everything that happens so the police can keep track of stats.  SNAP (new disaster preparedness program) will start having classes in the fall.

ZOO: They are proceeding with the garage and it will have 1 level below grade and be a total of 4 stories.  They are trying to make it look nice. 

HOUSING: April and Sue Cary presented results of second Design Guideline meeting in August. CHHIP is working on the design to meet some of the neighbors concerns about height and bulk. They will bring updated designs to the next meeting, which should be before the next Design Review. Traffic on Albion has doubled since the closing of Whitman to through traffic. Eric reported that SDOT is considering traffic calming on Albion by creating 2 chicanes with reflectors mid-block on the east side. SDOT is not willing to make Albion one-way. 


NO on I-933: Paul Fellows gave a presentation on initiative 933, encouraging everyone to get involved to keep this from passing.  Oregon passed a similar measure and it has created many problems.


FNC EXPENDITURE GUIDELINES: General discussion on whether to raise money, what sorts of things to spend it on, dividing it between committees, 501(c)(3) status to aid donations, matching funds and how much to save for the future.  It was decided that April would make a list of what we have spent money on in the last few years and Toby would do an article for the newsletter with the info.

We would like an update on Fremont Abbey for next meeting.

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