- Clarridge, Judie – Secretary
- Clifton, Linda
- Engelhardt, Jim – Treasurer
- Gasparich, Matt
- Jones, Norma
- Mulanix, Shawn
- Pihl, Erik
- Pure, Stephanie – President
- Thaler, Toby – Land Use/Transportation Chair
Thanks to Dic Selin and Mrs.Elfriede Noble for years of service to Fremont
2012-13 FNC Board (President Matt Gasparich, Dic Selin, Elfrieda Noble, Judie Clarridge, Erik Pihl, Stephanie Pure, Toby Thaler, Norma Jones, Linda Clifton, Shawn Mulanix with honoree George Heideman, Annual Meeting speaker Jim Diers, and community members. (Photo by Kirby Lindsay, Fremocentrist