AGENDA-Fremont Neighborhood Council Meeting Monday, February 26, 2018, 7 p.m. Doric Temple, 619 N. 36th S

Fremont Market mural

SDOT will present its proposed bike mobility improvements for N 34th Street,, and Stone Way N will get a new building at N 36th–come and see the plans. FNC will also hear more about the Lake Washington Rowing Club dock access–Waterway 23
7:02 Introductions and Announcements



HALA MHA up zoning proposal Feb. 28 Open House: District 5 and 6 (includes Fremont west of Stone), Whitman Middle School, 6 – 8 p.m.

Department of Neighborhoods “Your Voice Your Choice” March 6, 5:30-7:30, Fremont Branch Library 731 N 35th St–How shall Seattle spend $3 million of parks and street improvements in 2018? Vote here.

MHA upzone proposal- Council Hearing: District 5 and 6, Monday, March 12 at Northgate Community Center, 6 – 8 p.m.

7:10 Preparation for Annual Meeting (April 23) — Minutes, Treasurers report next month

7:20 SDOT North 34th Street Study: Community Input
Brief presentation by SDOT followed by Q & A (and opinions and suggestions)

7:45 Presentation on Project at Stone and 36th (SE corner) –see below
Brief presentation by architects, followed by Q & A (and opinions and suggestions). More info: enter 3029128 in Project #. Recommended: “Site Plan” and “Approved Presubmittal Minutes. Preliminary Site Plan below.

8:10 Lake Washington Rowing Club dock access, Waterway 23 –see below
Presentation of issue, concerns, possible solutions, followed by Q &A and discussion of possible actions and FNC position Map showing location and DNR current leases below.

8:45 Adjourn

NEXT MEETING: Monday, March 26, 7 p.m., Doric Temple, 619 N. 36th St.

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Fremont Neighborhood Council  |
3518 Fremont Ave. N, #111, Seattle, WA 98103
Questions?  Email us.