Participants in the 7th annual Obliteride will be riding through the Fremont community on Aug. 10, 2019.
This message from the Hutch and Obliteride:
Dear Neighbors, On behalf of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, I would like to remind you and local residents and businesses that participants in the 7th annual Obliteride will be riding through your community on Aug. 10.

All routes start at the University of Washington campus E18 parking lot and end at Gas Works Park.
We have worked closely with the City of Seattle to minimize the impacts on local residents and have secured permits to ensure we are honoring local regulations.
Maps of each cycling route can be found here.
Map of the 5K walk can be found here.
The event details can be found here.
Saturday, Aug. 10
6 a.m.: 100-mile riders start (Route map)
9 a.m.: 50-mile riders start (Route map)
10 a.m.: 25-mile riders start (Route map)
10:30 a.m.: 5K Walk start (Route map)
10:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.: Finish Line celebration at Gas Works Park open to the public
We invite you to join in our efforts to end cancer by riding, volunteering or cheering on the riders as they pass through your community. You can find more info at …
Thank you in advance for welcoming Obliteride into your community. If you have questions or concerns, please let me know.
Community Outreach Coordinator, Obliteride