The Fremont Siphon Project will make some significant changes at the west end of Canal Park and the entrance to Fremont from Ballard on Leary Way. Help make the Fremont Siphon Replacement Project even more responsive to the community:

June 19, 2014

Hello from King County – 

Thanks to all the community members who contributed time and thought to King County’s work to design the new Fremont Siphon. This new sewer pipe will replace one of the most largest and oldest pipes in the service area. More than 200 million gallons of sewage and polluted stormwater will pass through the new pipe every day on the way to being cleaned and safely discharged to Puget Sound. Construction will begin this fall.

King County is committed to being a good neighbor and to building facilities that fit in with their surroundings. It is important to King County that all community members have opportunities to participate in that process. King County wants to hear from you how it can do a better job providing those opportunities.

      Take a moment to fill out this brief survey to help King County refine its community engagement efforts. By sharing your experience and thoughts about the County’s public outreach process you can help the County be more responsive to the community it serves.Click on the link below to take the survey on line. It will only take a few minutes.

Fremont Siphon Replacement Project Survey

Thank you for your time and consideration. For more information on the Fremont Siphon Replacement Project visit

Best wishes,

Doug Marsano, Community Relations Lead, King County Wastewater Treatment Division, p)206-477-5549, c)206-423-0480