Here are a few key documents obtained from the City concerning its tree policies (“urban forestry”):
1. September 23, 2016 list of tree protection provisions in the municipal code—Tree_Protection_per_SMC_Title_23_and_SMC_25_by_zone_FINAL
2. September 26, 2016 “TREE REGULATION RESEARCH PROJECT FINAL REPORT”—TreeRegsResearchPhaseIFinalReport092716 (2)
3. Tree Regulations Research Project; Phase II, Final Findings and Recommendations—TreeRegsPhaseIIJMarchUpdate_032717v13FINAL This one is important; it is 45 slides containing results of and options to improve the City’s tree ordinances.
4. Final Report narrative, 15 pages, including “Findings: Current Code is not supporting tree protection.”—Final_Report_Tree_Regulation_Research_Project_31MAR2017_final
5. Mayor Tim Burgess issued an executive order that includes “SDCI, in consultation with other City departments and the Urban Forestry Commission, is directed to update the SDCI Director’s Rule regarding Exceptional Trees to include additional tree protection, as appropriate.” This executive order comes closer to fixing Seattle’s tree rules than anything I have seen from the City in many years! The time to organize to support this effort is now. Here are the press release and order—Mayor Burgess signs executive order to bolster Seattle tree protections;