Fremont Neighborhood Council Meeting – January 28, 2013
Board members present: Matt Gasparich, Stephanie Pure, Elfreide Noble, Toby Thaler, Linda Clifton, Amanda Boyle, Norma Jones, Judie Clarridge.
Matt opened the meeting and invited everyone to introduce themselves and share announcements.
- Robert Vets asked for the FNC’s support of a proposed project by the Wallingford Community Council to construct sidewalks along the west side of Stone Way southof N. 34th and along the south side ofN. Northlake Way surrounding Waterway 22. The sidewalks and a crosswalk acrossN. Northlake Way are needed to provide safer pedestrian access to Waterway 22. The Lake Union District Council has selected this request as one of three street improvement projects for study and funding under the Neighborhood Street Fund program.
MOTION: Toby moved that the FNC support the project. Stephanie seconded. The motion passed. Robert will draft language that Matt will use in his message of support.
- Stephanie reported that there were 4 FNC board members who attended the Fremont Siphon Replacement project Design Guideline workshop on January 12th. Norma will re-send a recent email from Adair Muth that summarizes the January workshop and offers an opportunity to submit additional comments by the end of the month.
- SolarizeSeattle: Northwest is an initiative that encourages the solarization of homes through education and assistance. There are upcoming workshops on solarization and the opportunity to receive a limited time group discount. The tax credit for installing solar equipment ends this coming May.
- Jenny Frankl reminded the Board of upcoming deadlines for grant requests:
Small and Simple Projects Grants: March 4
NeighborhoodParkand Street Fund Grants: February 4
Youth Arts Grant: February 14
Neighborhood Matching Fund Large Projects Grants: May 6 (info meetings are coming up soon)
- Jessica Vets announced that the new Fremont Guide will be coming out next month.
Treasurer’s Report: Matt said that because Shawn is sick, there will be no treasurer’s report.
Minutes: Linda provided a re-wording of the 46th Street Mural item in the November minutes. Stephanie moved that the minutes be approved as amended. Linda seconded the motion and it was passed.
Old Business:
- MEMBERSHIP: The plan is that an email will be sent out to the mailing list to notify them that it is time to renew their membership and encourage them to pay online. Norma has written the text to be used and will forward it to Matt. Jessica Vets offered to post the link to FNC membership information. Stephanie is going to send it to her. Norma suggested that 2 emails be sent, a couple of weeks apart, in February. Next, we could decide at the February meeting when the paper mailing will go out to those who have not already renewed. Matt can print the brochures. The mailing will include a return envelope. It was suggested that a stuffing party could be held at the February meeting.
- FREMONT MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY OF SERVICE: Ralph and Sarah Weathers reported on the Day of Service held at the Doric Lodge on January 21st. The event was very successful with nearly 200 people attending. They assembled 216 hygiene kits for use by disaster victims. Commissioner Franklin Donahoe of the Washington State Commission on African-American Affairs was the keynote speaker.
New Business:
- 2013 BUDGET: There was discussion about the Board making grants. Jessica described how the Fremont Chamber handles grant requests. Grants are made twice a year, in January and July. There is a one page form for applicants to complete. The factors to be considered are: How does the project relate toFremont? Does it makeFremonta better place? What is the budget of the project? How will the money be used?
There was discussion about working with Urban Artworks to paint the Signal Boxes. Jenny reminded the board about the upcoming deadlines to request funding for such projects. A critical element is finding a volunteer to coordinate the project. Another suggestion was to request a Small Sparks grant (can be submitted at any time – no deadline) to do one Signal Box as a first step.
- PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AT N. 43RD AND FREMONT: Matt reported that SDOT did a pedestrian count and the number was just under what is needed to qualify for a crosswalk, but getting a crosswalk may still be possible. The neighbors and businesses need to coalesce on the issue. One factor is that N. 43rd does not cross Fremont Avenue directly from east to west. It forms a “dog leg” in that N. 43rd meets Fremont Avenue on the east side at the Fremont Abbey but continues west of Fremont Avenue slightly south, by Caffé Vita. Is there consensus in which location the crosswalk should be placed? It is likely that the crosswalk will take up existing parking spaces onFremont Avenue. Are neighbors and businesses in agreement on that outcome?
There was discussion that the Caffe Vita location is the most hazardous due in part to busses turning at that corner. Matt has completed the form to propose this project for funding under theNeighborhoodParkand Street Fund. Next in the process will be to bring this issue to the Lake Union District Council.
MOTION: Toby offered to be an alternate representative to the LUDC when Dic Selin is not able to attend. Linda seconded. The motion was passed.
Norma offered to contact Dic to confirm that he wants to continue to serve as the primary FNC representative to the LUDC.
Linda will post the N. 43rd and Fremont pedestrian safety issue on the FNC’s Facebook page to generate input from neighbors and businesses.
- PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ALONG N. 39TH: Jenny reported that SDOT also got a low pedestrian count along N. 39th. One issue with getting a pedestrian count is that pedestrians may not currently go to one intersection to cross N. 39th because no one intersection is viewed as safer than another. Is Phinney the best location for a crosswalk because there is the bus stop nearby and because of the traffic light at Phinney and N. 34th? The Seattle Neighborhood Greenways group is scouting streets in Fremont to be greenways. Where to cross N. 39th safely is an issue for them.
Stephanie would like the police to enforce the speed limit along N. 39th. A question was raised about the possibility of a radar speed sign on this street. Jenny does not think the speeds are high enough to get a sign.
Land Use: Toby reported that there is a proposed project on N. 38th, east ofStone Way. He will be coordinating with the Wallingford Community Council.
Parks: Matt reported that the City has cleaned up the area adjacent to Ernst Park, hauling out junk and installing a fence. There was discussion about applying for a Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund grant to form a planning steering committee to work on a proposal for the design of the space.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be February 25, 2013.