Fremont Neighborhood Council

July Meeting-July 27, 2009


7:00                  Welcome & Introductions

Boardmembers in attendence: Mrs. Noble, Kathleen Crosser, Eric Pihl, Dic Selin, Matt Gasparich, George Heideman, Stephanie Pure, Toby Thaler, and Norma Jones.

7:05                  Announcements  — Night Out Against Crime, Tuesday, August 4th

7:10                  Guest Speakers-

Dru Butterfield, Army Corp of Engineers, Natural Resource Manager

Removal & Replacement of Trees on the Shipping Canal – 356 Poplar Trees that line the canal are gradually being replaced over the next 20 years.  Total cost is $90,000, Species: Lombardy Poplar, common name: “Thieves” or “Ghost”. Saplings are surrounded by metal caging for protection from foraging beavers.   Residents are asked not to remove the caging.

Rat Rock & Stimulus Money – Corp is planning to fill rat rock (smaller stones used to fill holes where large mouth bass hide to eat Chinook & Coho salmon) in the canal if they receive stimulus $ for the project.

Justin Rolfe-Redding from the Seattle Green Bag campaign spoke and passed out information.  To learn more:

7:30                Review and Approval of Minutes – the minutes from June were not available for approval

Treasurer’s Report

Report and Recommendation for Investment of FNC Funds – tabled for next meeting

7:45               Old Business

FNC Website/Blog – The board authorized $120 / 4 hrs of work for a website update, speaker on Blog site development will attend August meeting

Adam Morley letter-Revised Update-Erik  – letters need to be finalized in a timely manner, some policy language may be ready for review concerning this issue for the Aug. meeting

Joint Candidate Forum (Fremont/Wallingford/Phinney/U District) – the board authorized up to $100 for the cost of a facility for this forum.  Matt & Stephanie volunteered to participate & relieve Toby of this responsibility

8:10               Reports from Committee Chairs

Land Use – Erik is brokering a meeting with the Assistant Fire Chief , recent 5-4 vote in favor of saving the fire station building, however 6 votes are needed for preservation.  Transfer station update: Teresa Doyle will rule on EIS review and SEPA requirement @ KC Courthouse 8:30 am this Friday July 31, boardmembers and residents are encouraged to attend



Transportation – suicide barrier discussed.  State plans to put project out for bid on August 3, accept a proposal in September and begin construction during the winter. Multiple lanes of the bridge will be closed for the project which will be done almost entirely at night.  FNC & QA community council both opposed to this project, board authorized Erik, Matt & Toby to look into mitigation options, potential action for increased public oversight and comment on the project




8.30    New Business

Neighborhood Plan Status Update Meeting – criteria is being developed for who gets to the front of the line for a neighborhood plan update, please take online survey

9:00    Adjourn – Board President Norma Jones announced she is unavailable for the September meeting and Stephanie Pure will lead the meeting.