Thank you for sending messages regarding A.B. Ernst Park. The Parks department received them and also thanks you for sending them. We are now informed that the park remains a top priority, and that although there is an overall budget shortfall, Parks anticipates finding the funds in this budget cycle and re-initiating the project in 2024. Thank you for your advocacy!
Previous Post:
The Fremont Neighborhood Council (FNC) was provided an update on the A. B. Ernst Park addition project at the February 26 meeting. This addition is planned for the vacant lot next to the existing park by the library. This park, which went through public outreach in 2016 and reached final design in 2018, was funded and scheduled on the 2024 Parks Plan Capital Improvements list to begin construction this year. Although published documentation still indicates otherwise, the Parks project planner informed FNC that the project has been dropped from the current capital improvements schedule. We are awaiting further clarification as to budget shortfall, new timelines, and other considerations.
If the project has in fact been dropped, it may be some years before it can be rescheduled due to the budget process. If you have an interest in this park, currently use the existing park next to the library, or have particular needs for the new addition (such as an accessible route to the library) you are encouraged to send personal letters/emails with details on why the park is important to you to the following:
Council Member Dan Strauss dan.strauss@seattle.gov
Amy Enbysk amy.enbysk@seattle.gov
Council President Sara Nelson sara.nelson@seattle.gov
Project Planner Asmita Poudel asmita.poudel@seattle.gov
Please be respectful and include personal contact information for your comments to be effective.