Fremont Neighborhood Council board member Judie Clarridge sent us this report:
Hazel Heights P-Patch Community Garden, located in Fremont at the corner of NW 42nd St and Baker Ave NW, is in the midst of its seventh growing season. The Fremont Neighborhood Council donated funds towards its construction and later for its sign.
Like other P-Patches, Hazel Heights is committed to sharing produce with those in need through Lettuce Link’s Giving Garden program. Volunteers meet weekly during the growing season, and monthly in the late fall and winter, to harvest fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs from the plots and common areas in the P-Patch. Several neighbors contribute surplus from their home gardens too. The volunteers deliver it to the nearby FamilyWorks Food Bank at 1501 North 45th Street, which serves Fremont residents.
With the recent warm temperatures and sunshine, 37 pounds of tomatoes, plums, grapes, squash, beans, and herbs were harvested on August 15. That brings the total amount donated to the food bank by Hazel Heights to 339 pounds since November 2015. For more info on the Hazel Heights Giving Garden program, contact Judie Clarridge at dclarridge@aol.com. New volunteers are always welcome.
Photos by Catherine Anstett