We’re pleased to share Fremont Arts Council’s February News:
Petit Troll Parade — Sunday, February 11
This tiny parade is done in the spirit of Mardi Gras! Sunday, February 11th (just before Fat Tuesday). we’ll “crash” the Fremont Sunday Market tiny flashy parade, towing our mini-glittering themed floats down the road. Come to the Art Workshops at the Powerhouse and find out how you can play with us! Details …

McKay Grants Available for Parade Artists
Design and creation funds are available for art projects in the Fremont Solstice Parade, which transform the street into theater with social commentary and the unexpected. McKay Artist Grants fund proposals from artists for the development of parade ensembles, art installations and other crazy ideas that elevate the artistic quality of the event. Details …
Seeking Design Proposals for the Fremont Solstice Parade Poster
Every year we make a poster for the Fremont Solstice Parade. We also use the design elements in parade promotions. These design pieces are distributed and displayed all over the region. We invite arts to submit designs for consideration for use in this year’s campaign. Details …
Be in the Parade!
Will you be in the parade? Plans are percolating. Tell us about your parade ensemble ideas!
Are you interested in performing at the celebration at gasworks? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out our musician/performer application to tell us more. Deadline for submission is May 15, 2018.
Parade Call for Sponsors – Support the Parade!
Be a Solstice hero! Become an individual donor, member or a sponsor, and be a part of bringing the wild and wonderful Fremont Solstice Parade to the streets. Details …
Seeking Parade Staff
In support of the 30th annual Fremont Solstice Parade, the FAC is looking for a Donor Relations Coordinator, a Volunteer Engagement Manager and a Parade Coordinator. These are temporary contract positions through June 30, 2018, with a volunteer stipend. Graduate level students, looking for internship are also encouraged to apply.
Seeking Board Members
It is that time of year with the FAC elects members to the Board of Directors. Many of our current board are returning to serve the community, but there is more room for your or someone you think would make a great addition to FAC leadership. Now is the time to dive head first into this fun, creative, and community building organization – We Need You! Details …
Join a Leadership Team!
Are you interested in using your time and skills to support community celebration art and events throughout the year? This is your chance to meet a parade of new friends and grow in your knowledge about celebration art. It is a wonderful way to support the Fremont Solstice Parade and to help make community art happen and thrive all year long. Details …
All Are Welcome Here
We affirm our commitment to providing a safe and welcoming atmosphere for people of all races and backgrounds to create art and celebrations. There is no place for racism, sexism or sexual harassment at our events or in in our community. Please let us know at on our volunteer page if you want to be involved in our Equity and Inclusion Action Team.
Get Involved!
Have you been hankering to get more involved with FAC? We need you and your talents! Let us know who you are and what you’re interested in, and we promise to find a fun way to scratch that creative itch. Volunteer …
Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting — Tuesday, February 13, 7-8:30 pm
This month: In celebration of Fat Tuesday, we are meeting at the Back Door at Roxy’s where we can raise our glasses and talk about our creative visions for the 30th Fremont Solstice Parade. Please join us at our monthly COW meeting. This is where we come together as a community and dream up what’s next. Share ideas and one minute announcements of interest to our community. Meet and Greet and Eat snacks Find out what the FAC is up to and how you can get involved. This Month: Meet at Roxy’s Back Door, 462 N. 36th Street, Seattle.
Join the “FAC List” our Online Collaboration Group
The “FAC List” is a moderated discussion group for our inner circle of friends that want to stay in touch, learn about our current happenings, participate in event planning, share community art postings of interest, and help the FAC thrive. To subscribe: Subscribe to our Mailing List – and check the “get more involved” option for “FAC List – Subscribe Me”
Support Community Art!
Want to keep the Fremont Arts Council in glitter and goo-gahs? We could not create our events and community art workshops without the support of our community. Donate or become a member …
Join a Leadership Team
Program and Events Leadership Team Meeting – Tuesday, February 6, 7-8:30 pm
The 30th annual Fremont Solstice Parade will be here sooner than you think! And before that we have May Day, and before that Petit Troll. Your mind, hands, and time are crucial to making our this year’s Fremont Solstice Parade and Celebration the best one yet! Please join us at our monthly events leadership team meeting to plan and make possible these community celebration events – and much more. Meet at the Powerhouse, 3940 Fremont Ave. N., Seattle. Questions? Email fac@fremontartscouncil.org
Communications, Outreach and Development leadership team meeting – Wednesday, February 21 7-8:30 pm
This team plans and secures funding to sustain the FAC and its programs. We also organize the outreach so we can shout from the rooftops about the FAC’s artful celebrations. Meet at Works Progress, 115 N. 85th St. (enter around back from the alley). Questions? Email fac@fremontartscouncil.org
About the Fremont Arts Council www.FremontArtsCouncil.org |
Upcoming Events |
The Fremont Arts Council engages community to cultivate the spirit of celebration where everyone is an artist! | Petit Troll Parade February 11 |