Hello Neighbors!
Thank you for another great meeting on February 25! Everyone showed respect and appreciation for our presenters, which is just such a great vibe. We had a great set of announcements at the end too. What was your favorite candy? What do you like most about Fremont and what did you say wanted to improve?
Please remember to submit your annual dues to be an official FNC member!
It was a full and informative meeting:
We heard from the SDOT/KC Metro team about the Route 40 construction.
Route 40 serves 13 neighborhoods and is the second busiest route that is not a Rapid Ride line, averaging 8500 daily weekday boardings. Discussion included business and parade impacts, status of bike lanes, art in sidewalks and public space activation. The team had 5 people ready to answer questions and we showed them our appreciation!
Santos Moreno, Outreach Coordinator for Rep. Jayapal, shared what her office is doing for constituents.
Santos talked about the different roles of the Congresswoman’s D.C. and Seattle offices, and the sort of constituent services they offer and the issues they are dealing with, including the current constitutional crisis and how the court rulings might (or might not) be enforced. There was discussion of different ways to get involved and take action, including monthly Town Halls. His favorite thing about Fremont is walkability, and he would like to see something more than corporate office space along the Canal waterfront. There were things he couldn’t discuss at the meeting in his official capacity due to ethics concerns but would be glad to talk if you meet him over a beer.
Reed announced the efforts of the Bike for the 40 Coalition, which has 1500 individuals representing 13 non-profits. How do we support our businesses during Route 40 construction? We’re rolling out 3 programs:
- Non-profits: Host your meetings at local restaurants.
- Cash-mobs: All show up at once at a particular business to spend money.
- Business passports: Get a stamp at different businesses to redeem stamped card for a discount.
We’re a non-profit, working with other non-profits and businesses. We will construct a shared Google calendar. We would do admin work for Passports but need business partners for that to happen. Buy Local!
Support Ukraine: Every Thursday at 7pm we have a meeting of Ukrainian supporters, at European Foods, 130th and Aurora. Come and show support for Ukraine.
Board Business:
We discussed past expenditures for Solid Ground, the annual USPS mailbox fee, repair of the 46th Street Mural, sponsorship on a Fremont Chamber of Commerce Hysterical Marker, and payment to IRS for a non-profit EIN. Friends of Troll’s Knoll made a case for funds to clean/repair the vandalized toolshed, which was voted on and approved. Cindy Krafft was confirmed as a new Board Member. Detailed minutes of past meetings can be found here!
Next month (Tuesday, March 25) we’re having Chief Amy Barden from CARE (Community Assisted Response and Engagement). We usually send out a complete agenda a week before the meeting. We’ll only have one speaker and there will be more time for community engagement. Here is a list of things people previously expressed interest in:
- Volunteer opportunities
- Bridge Way crossing
- Zoning and trees
- Upzoning
- Housing affordability
- SDOT levy Fremont spending
- How to get support for renters issues
- Identify historical buildings + structures in Fremont to preserve Fremont Culture
- Dog parks
- Pharmacy in Fremont
- Friendlier to bikes/peds (safety)
- Stop signs on Fremont Ave
- Mutual aid/local organizations
- Elder / hospital needs / ordinary people helping materially
- Community centers/third places
- Crosswalks, safe ways to cross intersections
- Learn more about public transportation routes and planning
- Announcements about new business openings
- Pedestrian and traffic safety
- Burke Gilman/homeless sweeps info from city council
- Fare Start and other organizations
- How did people get the crosswalk changed on 40th & stone?
- How does zoning affect affordability
- Vacancy in Fremont
- The Arts Council
- Who’s responsible for the Burke Gilman
- City budget and transit
- Grocery store
Come back and connect with people who share you interests or who have ideas about how to get things done. Start conversations. Sometimes these continue outside of the monthly meeting. Act Locally!
Register for the March 25 Meeting!