Just announced–9 Seattle City councilmembers form the new Select Committee on Citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA)–first meeting Jan. 29, 2018 at 10:30 am. Public comment for 20 minutes at end of meeting.
One sample of community response–March 31, 2016 Open House
SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL –Select Committee on Citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Agenda – Special Meeting (meeting may begin after Council Briefing)
January 29, 2018 10:30 a.m. Members:\
Rob Johnson, Chair
M. Lorena González, Vice-Chair
Sally Bagshaw, Member
Bruce A. Harrell, Member
Lisa Herbold, Member
Debora Juarez, Member
Teresa Mosqueda, Member
Mike O’Brien, Member
Kshama Sawant, Member
Location: Council Chamber, City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104
[Notice was sent to subscribers] to the Planning, Land Use, and Zoning Committee. To receive further Select Committee on the Citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) meeting notifications, please sign up at: http://www.seattle.gov/council/committees/agenda-sign-up.
Read the Agenda This meeting also constitutes a meeting of the Full Council, provided that the meeting shall be conducted as a committee meeting under the Council Rules and Procedures, and Council action shall be limited to committee business Please Note: Times listed are estimated
A. Call To Order
B. Chair’s Report (5 minutes)
C. Items of Business
1. An overview of recommendations to implement Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) citywide including changes to land use regulations and development standards, zoning designations, comprehensive plan language and maps, including neighborhood Plan policies and changes to Urban Village Boundaries on the City’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM) for all multifamily and commercial areas excluding areas previously rezoned to implement MHA. Supporting Documents:
Presentation (01/29/18)
Briefing and Discussion (40 minutes)
Presenters: Sara Maxana and Geoff Wentlandt, Office of Planning and Community Development; Emily Alvarado, Office of Housing; Jesseca Brand, Department of Neighborhoods; Ketil Freeman, Council Central Staff
I don’t understand how the Council can move ahead with this legislation when the EIS is far from complete. State SEPA law requires that the EIS be fully considered in the deliberations. It is currently quites inincomplete.
Important follow-up–a chance to be heard: Top Priority for everyone Monday, February 12 District 4 MHA Public Hearing on rezones will be held at Eckstein Middle School and sign ups to speak out for Wallingford start at 5:30pm. As I said, other Districts will be heard through May, but this is the ONLY ONE for Wallingford and others in District 4. East Fremont is in District 4.
I don’t understand how the Council can move ahead with this legislation when the EIS is far from complete. State SEPA law requires that the EIS be fully considered in the deliberations. It is currently quites inincomplete.
This talks about Wallingford, but East Fremont lies in the Wallingford Urban Village and is dramatically affected, both by upzoning and by increased heights and scale where zone designations seem to stay the same.
Important follow-up–a chance to be heard: Top Priority for everyone Monday, February 12 District 4 MHA Public Hearing on rezones will be held at Eckstein Middle School and sign ups to speak out for Wallingford start at 5:30pm. As I said, other Districts will be heard through May, but this is the ONLY ONE for Wallingford and others in District 4. East Fremont is in District 4.