FNC was recently updated by Seattle Parks about the Ernst Park project. FNC’s Matt Gasparich met with them early April and they agreed to make some short term improvements while the longer term concept for the park was taking form. Here’s the report from Katie Gray, North Parks Manager, Seattle Parks and Recreation: “I visited the park [recently. ]
- The eco blocks are in place.
- The fence between the properties is partially taken down
- The site is cleaned up and grass trimmed
- Sign as been posted that states what is going on.
- Contacted the neighbor right next to park and he is willing to assist with keeping an eye on the park and contacting SPR when he sees something. He will also be willing to volunteer to do clean up.
“Next steps
- Have pull post installed at lower end of park – work order already turned in
- Install railing at the top of park – Carson is working on this with medal shop.”