JUNE 23, 2003
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Benjamin Grossman, Julia DeBroux, George Heideman, Chip Nevins, Alan Younker, Cor Bader, Vafa Ghazi, Jenny Eichwald, April Thanos, Norma Jones.
The meeting was convened at 7:03 pm with introductions from those in attendance. The minutes of the May 19, 2003 Annual General Meeting were approved as amended.
GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Steve Louie announced that the Mayor would be at Fire Station #9 on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 at 7:00 pm. 2) A meeting seeking input on the viaduct and waterfront was announced. 3)Information on the Aurora Bridge retrofit will be presented at the July FNC meeting. 4) The City will do a Seattle Clean City Initiative in South Wallingford on July 26, 2003. The initiative is sponsored by the City of Seattle and several community organizations. The kick-off will be at the Wallingford Steps, with the time to be announced later. 5) There will be a Lake Union District Council meeting at Steve Louie’s office on July 7, 2003 at 6:00 pm. 6) Starbucks has parks funding available, and some funding may be available for Fremont Peak Park.
NEWSLETTER: Alan Younker reported that August is proposed for the next newsletter. The timing of the newsletter is for delivery in the first or second week of September. Julia DeBroux discussed a need for disseminating information regarding the RPZ. There is a need to form a committee to encompass the entire area proposed. The area has been expanded by the City, which makes canvassing and participation more difficult. The newsletter will contain a calendar of FNC meetings. Reports from the land use, guerilla gardening, affordable housing, parks, public safety, zoo, and other committees were requested. The newsletter committee will explore sending the newsletter by email.
GUERILLA GARDENING: The next Guerilla Gardening event will be September 27, 2003, with October 4, 2003 as a rain date.
OPEN SPACE: Chip Nevins reported that there was a design meeting for Peak Park last week where the designers took public feedback and will report back to the community. Input regarding the park next to the library will be incorporated. The park is scheduled for construction between August and October. There was a request for the FNC to help fund the common face of ecology blocks between the library and park. The City will provide information about the cost at a later date.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: April Thanos reported that the City Council meeting has been delayed. We may want to send a letter to the Council in order to keep the item on the agenda. Doc Freeman owns property across from the property being developed, which may offer another affordable housing opportunity.
COMMUNITY CENTER: FNC may want to write a grant application regarding a community center. Jack Tompkinson now has a business writing grants for non-profits.
OLD BUSINESS: The FNC calendar was set as follows: July 28, 2003, August 2003-no meeting, September 22, 2003, October 27, 2003, November 24, 2003, and December 15, 2003-tentative.
There was general discussion and review of a draft letter regarding the bus stop to be sent to Julie Erickson and Mary Benowski of SDOT and KCDOT. The letter was originally authored by John Ryan and presented to the meeting by Chip Nevins. The Board approved sending the letter circulated.
The RPZ is now proposed to extend from Albion Place N. to 2nd NW, and from 34th to 39th. The procedure provides for expansion if there is spillover to adjacent blocks.
REPORTS: The LUDC discussed the matching fund review process.
Fremont Works discussed the RPZ and the Doc Freeman land and building.
GUEST SPEAKER: John R. Hunt, HUNT Associates, Architecture and Real Estate Development. Mr. Hunt is an architect/developer whose projects are primarily town homes. Mr. Hunt wants to buy the property at Motor Place N. andFremont Ave. N. The Swiftwater is currently on the property. He wants to develop a fee-simple series of live/work lofts. The property is 80’x 90’ with no alley access.
NEW BUSINESS: There has been a request for funds to the FNC from the Fremont Public Association to offset some costs for the Fremont Fair and Parade. The FNC needs to look at restrictions that might apply on funds, and will request additional input from FPA.
OPEN DISCUSSION: Joshua Mc Nichols said that he is working with the South Wallingford neighborhood regarding an amendment to plan for site use in Wallingford. They want a community space with possible use as a day care, senior center, community center, pea-patch, and other projects. They would like a letter from FNC saying that FNC thinks this is a good idea, and that we would foresee residents of Fremont using the site. There was discussion about the City coming back to FNC regarding who has approached the City about use of the property. The FNC will decide about endorsement of a plan for the site after additional input from the City. The South Wallingford amendment is available on line.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm.