July 25, 2011
ATTENDING: Norma Jones, Stephanie Pure, Matt Gasparich, Linda Clifton, Toby Thaler, Mrs. Noble, Dic Selin, Erik Pihl. Also attending: Tim Durkan (City of Seattle), Genevieve Vadya, Alex (interested in Thunderbird, Ann Curry.)
Historical Markers in Fremont: Chris Webb
Outstanding minutes: AGM
We are missing a Treasurer. Shawn has resigned. Shawn, Matt, and the new Treasurer on the account. Norma’s name is on the account, but is not taking over the position. Transfer accounts to BECU already approved, but it is an ordeal.
OLD Business
Need more board members, need to recruit.
Vacancies include Treasurer, Secretary, Open Space, Public Safety.
Genevieve V. is interested in being in charge of a category; Toby says he’d give up Land Use.
Bridge Way Mural Clean-Up
Don’t have much to report. Written three times to the Fremont Arts Council (who was distracted by the Solstice earlier). No movement. Seems like inertia. Paint is available; just need access to it. Question: Do you have names/addresses/phone numbers? We can drop by and ask. Don’t want to go to SPU. Norma to show up as an FNC board member at their next meeting.
39th Street Speed Study Results
Land Use
Fire Station
Move facade?
Toby sent a draft letter to Derek Farmer in Mayor’s office to get info before Sally Clark’s COBE meeting July 27.
Comprehensive Plan is up for review. Seven year update; it’s big. We need to be involved.
Fremont Neighborhood Council Logo Design
Need new logo, can’t find the original artwork
Three new designs presented by Dave Scudder, Fremont resident. (work done pro bono) Comments to Matt, vote at August meeting.
We got the $1,000 grant! Thank you, Linda.
Our current website barely works for us
Piecemeal; random stuff (blog, FB, etc), nothing connects.
Put out an RFP
Masonic lodge is 90% techies
Start of grant: August 22
Three month window to get this done.
CSS Proposal for the redevelopment of Thunderbird
Lots of voices in favor
Lots of immediate neighbors were very concerned.
Comments by audience
Toby: No strong opinion
Dic: Sent letter of support, Aloha Inn good example
Genevieve: It’s a sketchy area; somewhat negative side. Particularly with diminished government funding for mental health. Live near Linden. It would be safer if the building were closer to alley rather than away. Physical design needs improvement.
Neighbor: I worry about gathering space without being seen. So many single people gathering has a terrible history; Aurora is vulnerable to drug traffic, prostitution. I’m against it. No doubt that CCS will be a better landlord, but they can’t control everything.
Neighbor: Live on Evanston. Wasn’t opposed until a strange man came to the neighborhood, wouldn’t leave, and tried to come into my house. Wouldn’t leave my porch. Very scared first time in 70 years. Had to call cops for first time in 31 years. 22-year-old neighbor scared him away. Will he come back.
Neighbor: I’m on Dayton. Don’t feel Aurora stuff too much. Compass Center was okay. Need to think of the fabric of that entire strip. The area around it also needs to be addressed.
Neighbor: Needs to be somewhere else.
Neighbor/Landlord: I think this project could be a good thing. Aurora is going downhill fast. These tenants tend to be average tenants. Just low income. There’s no money in the private sector to develop anything. They’ll be derelict for a long time. It would be better that it be occupied. CCS is a good landlord. And families are generally not going to live on Aurora. It’s a step in the right direction.
Neighbor: Compass Center did a great job. The architect’s drawings look great. Zoning precludes grocery store, fast food, etc. Tenants are often disabled, etc. Was embarased by our neighbors being unwelcoming.
Stephanie: Need more info on landlord’s management history
Toby: Needs to be developed, not derelict. Advocate for the best interests of the residents of Fremont, including residents of that building. Don’t need to take a position to do that advocacy. Just need to provide our comments.
Erik: FNC’s role: Improve the quality of life in our neighborhood. Approach this with caution. Let’s think of the long term urban planning solution?
Neighbor: CCS must know how difficult that corridor is. They will be an anchor. Get them to participate to work with the City on improving the corridor.
Norma: They are already engaged. We have the opportunity to communicate. We want to promote a diversity of housing in the neighborhood.
Neighbor: Several neighbors want market rate offices/commercial buildings. Not pulling in those who will behave badly.
Neighbor:: Stop lights, then becomes a highway, then stop lights. Needs more stop lights to create livability.
Linda: Don’t agree with that. Sat on Aurora Traffic Safety Commission. Street lights.
Stephanie: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) incorporated into the structure?
Linda: We can publicize notes from visits. CCS also concerned about safety! They can serve as a partner.
Redistricting at King County
- Marvin Rosete from King County Councilmember Larry Phillip’s Office
- Currently cut in half, one with Gossett and other Phillips.
- Where would you like to be?
- If we’re going to grow, where will that be?
- Advocating for Map 2, but which district would you like to be.
Toby: Brought this up months ago, but wasn’t considered a hot issue, but it made sense to me to be within. We should either in one or the other.
Public Comment: www.kingcounty.gov/districting: July 27
Linda: The line should go down Stone not Aurora. We never get help from either one.
Toby: Fremont should be in one County district.
Toby: Motion: Border for the County Council District be on Stone Way or 8th NW in order to keep Fremont together.
Erik Seconded:
Motion passes: 7-0
Meeting Location
Charles from the Doric Lodge present
Erik: Supportive of space: More urban setting, meeting room space is close to the front door, don’t have to wind through a building, closer to foot traffic, street.
Neighbor: Works great at University Lodge. Great relationship-building. Plus, coffee!
Toby: Windows? No.
Charles: We’re deleting florescent lights, installing chandliers. Free of charge.
Erik: Motion to move the meeting location to Doric Lodge 619 N. 36th by August, pending renovations.
Passed: 6-1
Toby: Abstain (want windows!)
Mention that it’s near the Dubliner
Norma: $75 for website owed to website guy.
We have an email problem. We get a lot of email; is anyone reading it?
Our members need to hear from us.
Matt: I get messages, but do you want me to start sending.
Norma: Metro cuts, paving, redistricting, candidate’s forum, cannibis regulation. Our members aren’t getting the news.
Dic: Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don’t. Can we look at the list?
Erik: Higher-level solution; I have stopped reading. Twice a month newsletter?
Matt: Communciations Report
Motion to adjourn. (Toby) Seconded by Erik:
Meeting adjourned 8:58pm