Neighborhood news and support for issues for Fremont residents

Minutes – February 23, 2004



February 23, 2004 

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Benjamin Grossman, Jenny Eichwald, Pete Hanning, Julia DeBroux, Alan Younker, Norma Jones, April Thanos, George Heideman, Vafa Ghazi, Toby Thaler, Chip Nevins

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Benjamin Grossman will sit on the Fremont Public Association advisory council on the Fremont Fair.  Concerns can be directed to Benjamin.  The council is looking for volunteers, and for donations of $29.00 in order to receive a $100 matching donation.  April Thanos reported that we had received a letter from the 412 saying they were glad to attend the FNC meeting, and plan to support the community.  Steve Louie said there would be a meeting at Garfield High School on February 25th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm regarding gardening and open space issues.  Steve also reported that the B.F. Day auction will be on March 6th at Adobe.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  April Thanos reported that we have a total of $85, 652.06 in funds.  Currently $39,500 is committed to Affordable Housing, and $21,000 is committed in matching funds for traffic calming on N. 36th.  Exact figures are:

$1,240.41                Checking

$   215.59                Savings

$29,105.72              CD1

$15,397.49              MM

$30,997.68              MM

$  8,695.17              MM 

MINUTES:  The January 2004 minutes were approved as corrected. 


GUERILLA GARDENING:  Julia DeBroux proposed that FNC only do the ‘Adopt a Street’ portion of Guerilla Gardening for spring.  That means that FNC would do clean-up only in the spring, when there is traditionally less planting.  The date is to be determined. 

MEMBERSHIP:  One hundred and fifty letters were sent out last month regarding renewals, with forty responses to date.  There was a suggestion that Board members provide a copy of the newsletter, along with a note about FNC, to their immediate neighbors.  

LAND USE:  QFC is on appeal with no decision to date.


ZOO:  No report. 

COMMUNICATIONS:  Alan Yonker reported that he has been working with Jay Zaremba from Fremont Baptist Church on the newsletter.  Input for the newsletter is needed by the end of the week.  The newsletter will have a new, shorter format this time.  

AFFORDABLE HOUSING:  The project should be before the City Council next month.  FNC funds may be expended next month. 

FREMONT WORKS:  Next meeting is March 11th at 6:30 pm.

OPEN SPACE:  Chip Nevins reported that the RFP for Ernst Park went out two weeks ago, and there has been a lot of response.  Work should start in the spring of 2004, but will require extra permitting due to the steep slope.  

OLD BUSINESS:  RPZ-There has not been a night study to date, so the application is in a holding pattern.

Traffic Calming-An application has been filed for the funds approved in December.  The final application is due in April, with a decision due in approximately August.  It is a city-wide process and involves ranking.  Funding is still frozen.  Concern was expressed about the amount of matching fund money committed by FNC, and the short time for consideration of the expenditures.  A note was sent to the Board from Toby Thaler about the matching funds.  Toby said that the authorization from the Board is not an obligation because it is not an application, which comes later.  There was a request for a discussion item on this matter at the March FNC meeting, because the application is due soon after that meeting.  Key questions to be considered are:

Linking traffic calming to the signal at 36th and Fremont;

Putting FNC money into traffic calming; and

Whether FNC should oppose the signal at 36th and Fremont.

The application will be accepted as if there is money available, even if the funds are frozen.  There is a meeting between the neighbors on N. 36th and Richard Conlin at 4:00 pm on March 3rd.  The issue will be discussed at the next Fremont Works meeting on March 11th at 6:30 pm.

It was agreed that FNC would send a letter to the Director of SDOT with an invitation to attend the next FNC meeting to address traffic issues.  Toby Thaler will draft the letter.

Bridge Way Mural-A liaison is needed between FNC and the Fremont Arts Council.  John Ryan may have information on the Arts Council.  FAC told Benjamin Grossman that they thought FAWN had responsibility for the mural. There is a FAC meeting on March 2nd and George Heideman will attend.  Benjamin Grossman will contact Dalys regarding the colors.  A work party in March for cleaning, followed by painting, was proposed.

Liquor Licensing Letters-The first letter was drafted by George Klustad and finalized by Toby Thaler.  The letter was amended to delete the reference to the 20 day notice provision.  The draft letter was approved as amended and with reservations noted.  The second letter is a draft to all Fremont liquor licensees.  The previously appointed committee of the Board will finalize the letter.  The third letter discussed was a suggestion to send a second letter to the LCB acknowledging the efforts of Nectar to cooperate with the concerns of the neighborhood, including signing a Good Neighbor Agreement.  Toby Thaler will write the third letter.

NEW BUSINESS:  Annual Meeting-Pete Hanning will contact the Fremont Baptist Church about holding the Annual Meeting at that location.  The Adobe rooms are hard to access.  B.F. Day is also a possibility. Pete will also make inquiries about refreshments.  Vafa Ghazi will coordinate a postcard to the membership announcing the meeting.  The agenda for the meeting is generally as follows:

FNC status report with reports from all committees;

Liquor Control issues;

Elections (Tally re Board members running needed at the March FNC meeting.)

Expenditures of Large Amounts of FNC Money-There was a discussion of a need for a process for approval of expenditures of large amounts.  Ideas discussed were:

Make a larger majority necessary;

Require advance information and supporting materials; and

A requirement that FNC consider large expenditures in advance of a final vote.

Toby Thaler will draft a by-law regarding a majority of sitting Board members required for expenditures over $3,000.00 per item.

Meeting adjourned.

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