Dec 16, 2002
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: April Thanos, Alan Younker, Toby Thaler, Chip Nevins, John Ryan, Dic Selin, Norma Jones, Jenny Eichwald, Julie DeBroux, Vafa Ghazi
Minutes approved for 11/25/02 as amended (added there was no quorum present) and minutes approved for 10/28/02.
GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – Vafa Ghazi was appointed to the Board by Dic Selin
LAND USE – There is a notice for a permit for ProLab to do and extension, but according to Suzi Burke, they do not plan to do it. They only wanted to keep their permit for refinance purposes.
GUERILLA GARDENING – Julie felt there was a very small turnout for the amount of advertising she did. Norma suggested we should have more board commitment.
OPEN-SPACE – There will be a meeting for the Fremont Park in January, but it isn’t scheduled. There is some drainage/irrigation happening in Canal Park, but Chip didn’t know if it was part of the renovation plan. Fremont Peak Park is choosing a designer.
COMMUNICATONS – Just did a postcard for the December meeting. He is waiting for articles to produce another. We have a new PO box in Fremont – Box 101, 3518 Fremont Ave (in new building across from the Dubliner.
TRANSPORTATION – none- we need someone to head this committee
AFFORDABLE HOUSING – Sue Cary from CHHIP explained the proposed budget for building affordable housing on 3622 Albion. A motion was moved and passed to approve the $39,500 requested.
Aurora Bridge Retrofit – Brian Nielson from WA DOT (and others) presented the plan to do the seismic retrofit on the Aurora Bridge. This project will take 20 months to complete and the bridge will need to be closed 12 times (at night). On four weekends it will be reduced to one lane each direction. They will try to keep the noise down as much as possible. Steve Louie suggested they may need a flagger on the driveway of the Adobe project where it enters 34th at Aurora, when they plan to have the bike trail rerouted onto 34th from the Burke Gilman Trail. Troll Park will be basically trashed and will be replanted when the project is done. The plan to return to FNC when the contract for construction has been awarded and the schedule is clearer.
QFC Project – Toby reviewed the status of the project and had drawings from the latest design review meeting. He also had a letter prepared to send to DCLU. A motion was passed to send the letter.
LUDC – Sally Weems in now facilitator of the meeting. $90,000 went to the 36th / Evanston light and $15,000 for traffic calming at John Stanford Elementary School on 5th NE.
Fremont Works – The intersection of 36th / Evanston could cost $350,000 w/o a light and $500,000 with a light. Current there is $90,00 from the street fund (see above) and Fremont Works would like $30,000 of the developer money FNC received, but did not make a formal proposal to ask for it. The light at 36th and Fremont is already funded and could be done anytime. The light at 34thand Fremont is substandard and will require funds to upgrade at some point. The state has $175,000 to something at SR99 and Bridge Way underpass.
Wallingford made recommendations to the City Council for what they would like to see done on Stone Way, but recognize they must work with Fremont on it. There will be no zoning changes on Northlake in the planning cycle (it must wait for the shoreline zoning). At some point Northlake must be made into an arterial and truck route according to the plan. Deirdre Grace is the new NW Sector head as Dave is leaving. Toby Thaler and Mike Peck agreed to co-chair with Lillian as back up.
The Ballroom – Marko Tubic, Chair of the Chamber of Commerce, advised the Ballroom has been a major problem for the Chamber as well as the neighbors. Vafa also stated the neighbors have seen no improvement of the situation. There are still fights, litter, loitering, and potential drug/drinking use on the street. Steve Louie suggested the Chamber get together all those serving hard liquor in the Fremont and try to mitigate the clean-up issues. The police said the Ballroom had installed more soundproofing, but it is still loud. The Liquor Control Board has been informed and the neighbors should continue to call the police with problems. Vafa will talk to the neighbors about sending a complaining letter to whomever Steve says would be best.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.