December 15, 2003
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jenny Eichwald, Pete Hanning, Julia DeBroux, John Ryan, T. Alan Younker, Norma Jones, April Thanos, George Heideman, Vafa Ghazi, Dic Selin
OTHERS PRESENT: Hal Colombo, Liz Evans, Steve Louie, Brian DeBroux, Elfriede Noble, Shalor Royal, Doug Stacy, Don Stayner, Anne Lancaster, Susan Schmitt, Chris Borden, Richard Floisand, A. Richard Secay, Ed Mah, GregAhmann, Ed McKenna, Elonna Ustin, Dick Weiss,
TREASURER’S REPORT: April Thanos provided the Treasurer’s report as follows:
MM $15,364.90
CD $ 28,993.68
MM $30,920.52
MM $ 566.32
SAV $ 215.33
$39,500 is allocated for affordable housing.
MINUTES: The minutes of September and November 2003 were approved as corrected.
LAND USE: No report.
COMMUNITY CENTER: George Heideman will report in January.
COMMUNICATIONS: We would like a mailing in February.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: April Thanos requested a re-confirmation of the money allocated for the affordable housing project. There was no objection.
FREMONT WORKS: The Fremont Works meeting on 12/8/03 discussed the following topics:
Library park, circulation plan, upper Fremont transportation, renaming Aurora Way N. to Troll Way, bike lane-Woodland Park, view ordinance, parking on Linden, sandwich boards, and replacement of street signs.
OLD BUSINESS: Julia DeBroux reported on traffic calming and the RPZ. There was a discussion about the installation of traffic lights and the impact on N. 36th. The residents anticipate increased traffic after installation of the lights, but there is no money for traffic calming. There was a request for $36,000 in matching fund money from the FNC for traffic calming on N. 36th. The deadline for application for the funds is 1/20/04.
Motion and second for the FNC to provide matching funds of $6,000 for traffic calming at Linden and N. 36th. Passed.
Motion and second for the FNC to provide matching funds of $5,000 for traffic calming at Woodland Park and N. 36th. Passed.
Motion and second for the FNC to provide matching funds for traffic calming at Aurora Way and N. 36th. Failed
Motion and second for the FNC to provide $10,000 matching funds for traffic calming at Aurora Way and N. 36th. Passed.
NEW BUSINESS: Representatives of the Liquor Control Board gave an overview of how people get liquor licenses. Bill Schrader, 464-6095, has responsibility for one quarter of the state, and has the Fremont area. There are 13,000 licenses in the state, which includes convenience stores, restaurants, bars, etc. The LCB notifies the local government, the City of Seattle for Fremont, and other impacted organizations when someone applies. If anyone objects that flags the application and three board members must review the application. Restaurant and convenience stores get an annual license. There is only one cap on restaurants with a Class H license, and that is 1 to 1500 state-wide. Warren Briscoe is the agent in our area. They are aware of the neighborhood concerns and are doing training.
A lot of weight is given to an objection from the City. In Seattle after 1/1/2004 it will be Vice. Ed McKenna, City Attorney on Livability Issues, spoke regarding the City process. He said they have sometimes used over saturation, along with other concerns. Rejection of an application based on neighborhood/citizen objections is rare. We can ask the Vice Unit for information on new postings. We can also go to the LCB web site. Residents should use 1-800-838-5956 to call in complaints, which can lead to an administrative violation of 7 days with follow-ons of up to 30 days suspensions. The LCB holds license holders responsible for violations.
Neighborhoods and organizations can hire off duty officers through the Police Guild to provide security in the neighborhood. Pete Hanning suggested the FNC ask new people applying for liquor licenses to come and talk to the FNC. When an area is zoned commercial there is no real leverage over the type of business that opens in the area. Steps for residents to take include:
Call 911
Ask people to attend a FNC meeting
Write letters to the Mayor, City Council, City Officials
Call Warren Briscoe, 464-6094
Address public safety and livability issues in letters
There was a request for list of businesses with a liquor licenses, followed by a suggestion that the FNC write letters to encourage those businesses to hire off-duty police to calm the current situation.
Motion and second to ask all City Council members to attend the next FNC meeting to discuss these concerns. Passed.
Motion and second that the FNC write a letter to the LQB objecting to the issuance of a liquor license at the Baby Diaper Service location. Passed
OPEN DISCUSSION: Meeting dates for the first six months on 2004 were set as:
Meeting adjourned.