Annual General Meeting–April 26, 2004
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Benjamin Grossman, Pete Hanning, Julia DeBroux, Alan Younker, Norma Jones, George Heideman, Vafa Ghazi, Toby Thaler, Dic Selin, Chip Nevins, Jenny Eichwald.
GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Introduction of Board members. Benjamin Grossman reported that the Fremont Fair is a benefit for the Fremont Public Association. Steve Louie announced a May 6th meeting at 908 E. 34th at 7:00 pm with the City Arborist about Troll Park, and a May 12th meeting on the Fremont Bridge Approach at B.F. Day school from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Construction is to begin in mid-2005. Jack Tompkinson announced that Fremont Peak Parkis now working on the purchase of the property, which is partially funded. It was announced that some people in the community are looking for fund-raising for a person needing a new wheelchair. They may pursue options at the Fremont Fair.
TREASURER’S REPORT: No verbal report. Written report provided shows:
$ 151.53 Checking
$ 215.71 Savings
$29,218.20 CD1
$15,419.37 MM
$31,049.51 MM
$ 8,706.71 MM
Total assets: $84,760.39
Assets committed: Housing $39,500.00
Traffic $21,000.00
Assets Available: $24,260.39
MINUTES: The March 2004 minutes were not reviewed.
MEMBERSHIP: The FNC currently has seventy-five members, and had 100 members last year. Membership forms are available. Members will be added to the FNC mailing list and will receive the newsletter and notices. (Vafa Ghazi)
LAND USE: There are two current projects in Fremont, (1) on the NE corner of 36th and Evanston in front of Lenin, and (2) 41st and Leary. Comments are welcome on both projects. (Toby Thaler)
OPEN SPACE/PARKS: There has been a lot of parks activity in the last year. Ernst Park is under construction, and the FNC is monitoring the work. It is a ‘bare bones’ park which we can enhance. Fremont Peak Park is a new park development. Information on the next stage of development is available from Jack Tompkinson. Ross Park Shelter House planning will take place in 2004. Ross Park traffic planning will take place this year, and will utilize money provided by Fred Meyer. (Chip Nevins)
GUERILLA GARDENING: May 1st from 9:00 am to noon is the date and time for the spring cleanup. The rain date is May 8th. People should meet on Fremont at the Power House. Guerilla Gardening in the fall will include planting. (Julia DeBroux)
PUBLIC SAFETY: Pete Hanning reported that he represents both the FNC and the FCC on Public Safety issues. Officer Larry Jackson, from the crime prevention unit, and Ed McKennna, from the City Attorney’s office, were introduced. Fire Unit # 9 serves Fremont. The community is asking for more marine safety in the area. The neighborhood needs to be prepared for a disaster, which involves lighting and other public infrastructure considerations. The community needs adequate bike lanes and alternative transportation options. North Precinct Advisory Council Target Forms are available.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: An affordable housing site has been identified on Albion Place N. The application is being taken up on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 at 9:30 am. It was requested that a FNC Board member attend. Design review will take place later in the process. CHIPP will apply for monies from various public agencies for the project. (Sue Kerry)
COMMUNITY CENTER: There is still a need for a Community Center. (George Heideman)
COMMUNICATIONS: The FNC sends out newsletters three or four times per year. Information for upcoming newsletters can be provided to Alan Younker.
ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS: Benjamin Grossman, Pete Hanning, Julia DeBroux, Alan Younker, Norma Jones, George Heideman, Vafa Ghazi, Toby Thaler, Dic Selin, Chip Nevins, Jenny Eichwald, April Thanos, and Matt Stevenson were proposed by the Chair. The Board was elected as proposed. Matt Stevenson volunteered to be the FNC bicycle advocate.
BY-LAW AMENDMENT: A Bylaw revision to Article VIII of the FNC Bylaws on expenditures, raising the dollar amount and procedures for authorization, was discussed. The Board recommended the Bylaw change. Motion and Second to adopt the change. Adopted. Article VIII: Expenditures now reads as follows:
Expenditures over One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) must be authorized by the Board of Directors. Expenditures of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) or more must be authorized by an affirmative vote of the sitting Board of Directors, and notice must be provided to the Board concerning the proposed expenditure at least twenty days prior to the meeting at which the proposal will be considered.
Parking RPZ – The application by Fremont residents is on hold due to a backlog of applications.
Traffic Calming-There is a proposal to put a traffic light near the Lenin statute and at 36th and Fremont. A matching fund application for traffic calming has been submitted.
Bicycle Routes-Key routes in Fremont will be disrupted by the Fremont Bridge Approach work. FNC wants a path incorporated into the plans. The bridge approach and circulation plan are continuing issues.
Liquor Licenses in Fremont-A review of FNC actions and concerns over the last couple of years was provided. Neighborhood concerns regarding proliferation of liquor licenses and the problems associated with those businesses was discussed. The FNC explained that they have taken a stand to oppose new liquor licenses in Fremont until the issues have been adequately addressed. Original opposition to the Nectar license has now been withdrawn. The FNC has called for all businesses seeking new licenses, and renewals by businesses with existing licenses, to enter into a Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA). There is a difference between a GNA and the City GNA.
Representatives from the Liquor Control Board (LCB) spoke about the density of licenses. The allowable limit is one license for every 1500 people, state wide. Ed McKenna from the City Attorney’s Office said the LCB can refuse to issue a license if they determine an area is ‘adequately served’. Seattle now has over 2000 liquor licenses, which is one for every 827 people in Seattle—double the state cap. In Fremont the ratio is one license for every 181 people for businesses that serve drinks to the public, or one for every 93 people for all types of licenses. Police calls from 1/2003 to 3/2004 in the area was 4361, excluding reasons like family matters. There are capacity issues in establishments in the area. McKenna went on to say that the City looks at various tools in trying to solve these problems, one of them being the GNA. If businesses do not comply with a GNA the City can object to renewal of the license. The City tries to tailor the GNA to an area or business. They will look at the circumstances regarding various kinds of establishments like theaters, bars, taverns, restaurants, etc. Fremont currently has two GNAs with more in the works. There are 25 to 35 GNAs city-wide. A GNA can have 5 to 40 items on it. They consider parking and square footage, not capacity.
It was reported that the owners of businesses with liquor licenses are exploring off-duty patrols, but cost is a problem. The city requires two people at a cost of $2,000 per weekend. There is a problem trying to allocate responsibility and costs. The owners want to get the police more involved in safety issues in the neighborhood.
Candace Barroga, from the FCC and North Star Bank, spoke about a GNA, the GNA, and a Great Neighbor Agreement. The FCC is part of a Great NA project that wants input on the Great NA document being developed from everyone concerned.
Matt VandenBerghe, BottleWorks and Brouwer’s, spoke about the differences between the City GNA and a GNA. VandenBerghe explained his plans for Fremont and his previous business in Wallingford. He said that he wants a GNA, but not one that hinders business. His business is interested in getting two provisions in the GNA, # 27 regarding renewals, and #21 regarding establishments joining in to support costs for off-duty patrols. There was a discussion regarding no roving shots after 12:30 am.
The Ballroom owners discussed measures taken to date regarding security, and said that they want to improve the situation. They think the RPZ would make a huge difference. They said they want to get patrols in the area.
The owner of Tost said that she does not want to give out her phone number and be accessible 24 hours per day. Reasonable access is okay. She requested that people who have issues with her business contact Tost to discuss. There was a suggestion that security personnel receive training regarding over-service and recognition of drunken patrons.
The FNC needs to work with the City Attorney on neighborhood issues. Jack Tompkinson suggested an alternative parking area might help the issues in downtown Fremont. There was a taxi provision suggested for the GNA. Other suggestions included parking reform, and sobriety check-points.
Tom Carr, Seattle City Attorney, said this is a city-wide problem. He said the City can not tell bars how to behave, but they want to facilitate a conversation between the community and businesses. Responsible owners can make things work, but it needs people working together. The FCC president said there has been trouble getting the business owners out on this issue. More emphasis and participation are needed.
There was a Motion and Second to convey to the City Attorney that the FNC withdraws opposition to the Brouwer’s liquor license application with execution of a GNA that includes insertion of, # 27 regarding renewals, and #21 regarding establishments joining in to support costs for off-duty patrols. Motion passed by the Board.
NEW BUSINESS: There were approximately 100 people in attendance at the AGM.
Meeting adjourned.