Neighborhood news and support for issues for Fremont residents

Meeting Minutes – January 24, 2005

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Benjamin Grossman,  Alan Younker, Norma Jones, Dic Selin, April Thanos, George Heideman, Vafa Ghazi, Chip Nevins and Julia DeBroux.

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Board member introductions.  The Department of Neighborhoods Announcements Newsletter is available in print and via email.  SDOT is considering putting metered parking in downtown Fremont. The Chamber of Commerce is opposed because it could scare people away from the neighborhood.  Some people think metered parking now would be bad timing due to upcoming bridge work.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  April Thanos provided the following information for inclusion in the minutes:


$   1,769.63         Checking

$     216.32           Savings

$29,624.26          CD1

$26,652.73          MM

Total assets:        $58,262.94


MINUTES:  The December 2004 minutes were approved as submitted. 


AFFORDABLE HOUSING:  April Thanos reported that the Affordable Housing Committee distributed leaflets to a large area of the neighborhood adjacent to the site.  Five people attended the meeting on January 20th.  Issues discussed included height and loss of view, site location, density, balconies, and speeding on the street.  The residents would like speed bumps or a one way street.  CHHIP is submitting their application to the City on April 1, 2005 with the current design.  CHHIP has applied to Impact Capital to get pre-development money.  If that loan is approved they will repay all funds advanced by the FNC in full.

The Seattle Housing Authority project at 45th and Stoneway got funding in the fall of 2004, and the project is going forward.

MEMBERSHIP:  2005 dues are due in January.  A dues reminder and membership application will be included in the next newsletter.

PARKS & OPEN SPACES:  Chip Nevins reported that the owner of the lot next to Ernst Park is now willing to sell.  An Opportunity Fund Grant Letter of Intent has been submitted, and the application is due this week.  Chip needs information about groups who would support the acquisition, which might include the FNC, FAC, Chamber of Commerce, Fremont Peak Park, and Fremont Community Church.

Fremont Peak Park had applied for a permit to demolish the houses on the site.

Starbucks has allocated money for parks and the FNC will investigate the circumstances for distribution of the funds.

GUERILLA GARDENING:  There is no date or plan to hold a spring Guerilla Gardening event.  A new chairperson is needed for this committee.

NEWSLETTER:  A newsletter will be prepared for mailing in early March.  Articles from each person associated with FNC activities should be provided to Alan Younker.  Benjamin Grossman will provide an article on the FNC history and purpose.

LIQUOR RELATED ISSUES:  Vafa Ghazi stated that the letter that the FNC wrote concerning the Ballroom license renewal had no impact, and the license was renewed.  For that reason Vafa stated that he opposes objecting to future renewals.  Others think the letter did have an impact, which is demonstrated by the fact that the Ballroom signed a Good Neighbor Agreement.

Motion and second to have the Liquor Issues Committee send a letter to the businesses identified by the FNC for objection to their license renewal.  The letter will warn the business that unless certain mitigation efforts are undertaken, and a Good Neighbor Agreement signed, the FNC will oppose their license renewal.  Vafa will amend the letter sent to the Ballroom to more general language, and send after Board review via email.  Approved.


FNC Email List- The FNC may want to discuss guidelines for forwarding email in the future.  For now the position adopted in December 2004, that the FNC should not forward email to the general membership list, but that it is okay to send it to the Board, will be followed.

RPZ- Vafa Ghazi is now the chair of the RPZ group.  There will be a meeting on 1/31/05 at 7:00 pm at the Fremont Community Church.  The group has a design which consists of separate day and night restrictions.  People on the committee will be responsible for getting the okay or opt out of residents in the RPZ.

A-1 Motel- A lack of fire extinguishers at the A-1 has been reported without any action thus far.  The residents will call the Fire Department to determine if a report was written.  The managers of hotels and motels are receiving training on applicable rules and regulations this week.  The owners of the A-1 are considering selling due to police activity at the location.  The police are taking a lot of action.  The 1/26/05 FAWN walk will include Jordan Royer from the Mayor’s office, Antoinette Meier, DON, and Officer Ken Turner from the SPD.

Alan Younker reported that residents would like the proposed letter from the FNC sent soon.  The letter should be addressed to the Mayor with copies to City Council members, the City Attorney, and the SPD.  Motion and second for the FNC to send the A-1 Motel letter as amended. Approved.  The A-1 neighbors thanked the FNC for support on this issue.


2005 Meeting Dates- 2/28/05, 3/28/05, 4/25/05 (Annual Meeting), 5/23/05, 6/27/05, 7/25/05, no meeting in August, 9/26/05, 10/24/05, no meeting in November, 12/5/05.

LUDC- Suzie Burke was elected Chair and Pete Hanning was elected Impact Representative at the annual elections.

Fremont Works- no meeting.  FAC- Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Powerhouse.  The FAC had a recent potluck with about 800 attending.  Parade planning has started.

Meeting adjourned.

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