The Fremont Neighborhood Council 2012 Annual cialis generic General Meeting Monday, April 23, 2012, will honor longtime FNC Boardmember and Fremonster George Heideman and feature Jim Diers, author of NEIGHBOR POWER levitra coupon and founder of Seattle’s Office of Neighborhoods, and election of FNC Board. Social at 6:30, meeting at 7 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Location: Doric Lodge 92 (619 N. 36th St) in Fremont.
Jim Diers “spends most of his time
at the University of Washington, where he teaches courses in architecture and social work and supports community initiatives with kamagra vs viagra faculty and students across all disciplines. Jim also speaks frequently in other cities as a faculty member for the Asset-Based Community Development Institute and as the author of Neighbor Power: Building Community the Seattle Way.“
Join FNC at the generic cialis meeting or online here https://fremontneighborhoodcouncil.org/get-involved/join-us/ Membership not required for attendance.