Did You Know? Solid Ground is a community building organization that started 50 years ago right here in Fremont. Originally called the Fremont Public Association, they started out with adapting homes for seniors to remain in place, as well as a food pantry, clothing bank and job referral services. They started the nation’s first curb-pickup recycling program. They were even involved (along with the Fremont Neighborhood Council) in the beginnings of the Fremont Fair! LIHI (Low Income Housing Institute) and other organizations branched out from Solid Ground programs. Their first slogan, arising from the 1970s war on poverty, was Freedom from Poverty through Action. The Foundation itself eventually suffered from the affordability crisis it still fights to resolve. They relocated to the Wallingford neighborhood and changed the name to Solid Ground in 2007.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of their founding (here in Fremont!) Solid Ground is holding a Community Service Day on Friday, August 23rd at locations around the city, including a section of the Burke Gilman Trail here in Fremont. Go to their volunteer sign-up page to register!