hala-no-sign-b-1-8-17Residents in East Fremont/West Wallingford who live in the Wallingford Urban Village between Aurora Avenue North and Stone Way North are raising their voices in concern that the proposed upzoning in the HALA “Grand Bargain” will not bring diversity and affordability to the neighborhood while it dramatically affects liveability.  One resident called the neighborhood the “sacrifice zone.”

FNC shares updates here, with many links to further information.

FNC has been working to make residents aware of the changes being proposed by both HALA and the Seattle 2035 growth planning process.  FNC board members, Toby Thaler and Pete Hornyack, represented the community on the city’s HALA Focus Groups.  The Wallingford Community Council has also been very active in organizing meetings and communicating with Wallingford, including East Fremont residents, on the issue. Both homeowners and renters have been involved.