Neighborhood news and support for issues for Fremont residents

Minutes – July 28, 2003



JULY 28, 2003 

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Benjamin Grossman, George Heideman, Chip Nevins, Cor Bader, Vafa Ghazi, April Thanos, Pete Hanning, Norma Jones, and Toby Thaler.

The meeting was convened at 7:05 pm with introductions from those in attendance.  The minutes of the June 23, 2003 meeting were approved as amended.

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS:  1) Brian Nielsen provided an update on the Aurora Bridge retrofit project.  He said this is the same project that was started seven/eight years ago, but it has been redesigned.  This is phase two.  The plan is to restore the area to pre-construction status.  Nielsen said they will also pursue this project with the Fremont Arts Council.  He can not make commitments for DOT, but will present comments to DOT.  2) There will be a SDOT Bridge Way Hazard Mitigation Project meeting on August 12, 2003 at 7:00 pm.  3) There will be an architect’s presentation of Peak Park on August 1, 2003 at B.F. Day school at 7:00 pm. 

TREASURER’S REPORT:  There is a need to re-new the FNC post office box.  A motion to allocate $120.00 for a one year renewal of the box was approved.  The treasurer said she will try to get a lower rate. 


LAND USE:  Toby Thaler reported that an accessory dwelling zoning change is being considered.  There is some controversy about the change.  There was a discussion at Fremont Works about the South Wallingford plans. QFC has been quiet for weeks. They were expecting a decision, but more information was requested from the developer.  On Block 40 it was announced that the opening for the EPI Center would be on July 31, 2003-T. Thaler will attend. 

COMMUNITY CENTER:  George Heideman reported that the location for a community center next to the boiler at B.F.Day was decided on a couple of years ago—it is where the Fremont Arts Council meets.  Nothing has happened toward creating a community center to date.  Jack Tompkinson presented information regarding a grant needed to continue work to get additional grants.  His group, Urban Sparks, tries to get grants before projects begin and would like to work on this project

NEWSLETTER:  Articles are due by August 17th.  They are trying to keep the newsletter to one page. 

OPEN SPACE:  Demolition will begin on the area next to the library in August, with construction in September and October.  They are looking to the FNC for a contribution for the area between the park and the library.  It could be ecology blocks or other solutions.  There is $40,000 from Fred Meyer available for pedestrian and bicycle improvements on the Burke Gillman trail.  The committee wants to approve funds for improvements near Hales.  Chip Nevins is the representative from the FNC.  Others involved are the Cascade Bicycle Club and the Wallingford Community Council.  

AFFORDABLE HOUSING:  April Thanos will send the proposed letter as distributed to the FNC Board.  A member of Nick Licata’s staff asked to store materials in the building until construction begins. 

PUBLIC SAFETY:  Pete Hanning said there was no North Precinct meeting this month.  There was a recent meeting on the mayor’s proposal to raise money for the Fire Department.  They need adequate coverage for maritime and land based needs.  Forms are available for problems/incidents in the city, and it is important to follow-up regarding incidents.  Tagging in the area is concentrated north of Fremont.  Jack Tompkinson discussed increased tagging in the area.  

MEMBERSHIP:  Vafa Ghazi reported that the mailing list has been updated.

LUDC:  There was nothing significant to report.  The mayor’s office did not appeal.  There will not be a Tour de Fat in Fremont this year.

FREMONT WORKS:  Toby Thaler reported that the money acquired in settlements is now tied up in other projects.  The Neighborhood Plan calls for traffic mitigation and that now must be implemented.  There is a proposal to put a signal at the Lenin intersection which requires signals at several other locations.  The package will cost $2/2.5 million.  Due to points for private grants there is pressure for FNC to contribute money. 

OLD BUSINESS:  There will be no FNC August meeting.  No update on the RPZ.

NEW BUSINESS:   1) Aaron Caplan reported that the Neighborhood Zoo Council is working on new long range plans.  They now have a draft plan and an EIS.  There are two opportunities for comments on the plan and EIS.  The zoo council will decide on the plan over the winter.  There was a presentation by zoo board members explaining existing long range planning and changes in physical facilities.  The zoo is owned by the city and run by a non-profit organization.  The public hearing on the EIS is scheduled on August 7th at 7:00 pm.  There will be an open house at the same time.  2) Matt Loveday from Save Seattle Creeks presented information on Initiative 80 to save creeks.  His presentation emphasized the importance of saving creeks in the city.  They think the initiative is low cost and possible for the city.  It is endorsed by most environmental groups and most neighborhood councils.  The initiative is on the September 16th ballot.  3) The bus stop letter response from Metro says the Department of Neighborhoods requested the change.  The bus stop was moved back to its former location on July 7th and a feasibility study is on going.  FNC may want to send a follow-up letter with further discussion later.  3)  There was a report from Benjamin Grossman on funds and restrictions associated with various funds.  4)  On traffic lights FNC may/may not put money toward traffic lights.  Fred Meyer and SOIL money may be available.  As much as $40,000 may be available.  The possibility of not taking the final Quadrant payment and getting them to increase their contribution to the traffic lights was discussed. All money options include our restriction to use our money for traffic calming on 36th east of Fremont.  There was discussion abut this being the best chance to get bike and traffic calming included.  There was a motion that FNC give tentative approval to the plan if it includes traffic calming.  The motion does not place a dollar amount on FNC support, but gives authorization to the President to pursue discussions with SDOT to include the potential inclusion of Quadrant Lakeview settlement monies which equal $40,000 plus interest.  The motion was passed. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

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